Lash Lift & Tint
The lashlift & tint is the perfect treatment for woman on Aruba. Your natural lashes will look more curly and visible even without the use of make up.
A Lash lifting is a treatment that uses your own eyelashes. The lash lifting treatment gives the eyelashes a natural lift. This is the latest technology in the beauty industry. This treatment remains visible for 6 to 10 weeks. This suits all types of eyelashes, short or long.
- Not harmful to your own eyelashes;
- Resistant to showering, sweating, swimming, tears, sauna, water and sleeping;
- Your eyes seem bigger;
- You may use or remove make-up, mascara or other eye make-up.
This treatment is not possible when:
- For pregnant or breastfeeding women;
- If you have extremely fine eyelashes or extremely short eyelashes;
- Have suffered from hair loss in the past;
- If you have an infection of the sebaceous glands in your eyes;
- Suffers from conjunctivitis or trichotillomania.
How does it work?
The treatment works in 3 parts. First we decide on the size of the lashlift shield.
Then a “Lash lift solution” is applied first, to soften the hair, allowing us to “manipulate them into the new direction of hair growth.” This is then followed with a ‘nourishing neutralizing solution ‘ to “reconstitute the hair structure” and set your newly moulded lashes in place. After this we can dye the lashes to give them a more intens look. And at last we use a conditioning oil for the lashes. We work with the brand Mrs. Highbrow. Which is known for their high quality products and gentle solutions.
The Right Aftercare:
The first 24 hours after treatment, the eyelashes should be treated with care:
avoid swimming, steam baths and saunas during this time, avoid excess water on the eyelashes and do not use mascara. Do not touch the lashes, because this can alter the result.
- After 24 hours, the customer can treat her eyelashes as she normally would;
- If irritation occurs, the client should return to the salon or seek medical advice;
- Recommend not to use waterproof mascara as long as the customer is enjoying the lash lift;
- The treatment can be repeated every 6-8 weeks, depending on the natural eyelash cycle.